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kmwl520   2024-06-21 19:45:23   9℃   0








Detective Conan is a cartoon of Japan. It’s famous in China. The story is about a grade 11 student named Shinichi. He hopes to be Sherlock Holmes of the 20th century. He solves(解决) challenging(具有挑战性的) mysteries(事件) for police. While investigating some suspicious(可疑的) activity, Shinichi was knocked over the head by a man dressed in black. An experimental(试验的) drug was forced(强迫的) down his throat that was meant to kill him. Instead, he shrunk(缩小) into a little kid. Professor Agasa(阿笠博士), Shinichis next-door neighbor and friend, discovers that Shinichi had changed into a small boy. He advises(劝告) Shinichi to keep his true identity(身份)a secret until they can find further information about those men in black. Shinichi pretends(假装)to be Conan Edogawa and live in his girl friend Ran Mouri ’s house. Shinichi adopts(采纳) his new name based on(以…为基础) his favorite writer Arthur Conan Doyle. Ran s father, Kogorou Mouri, also is a detective but a stupid detective. Conan help kogorou using a changing voice bow tie(蝴蝶结变声器) and his watch to help kogorou to solve(解决) case(事件). Conan is good at illation(推理) and soccer. He is a good detective. He wish he can get back to Kudou Shinichi. There are many classical(经典的) sentences. Such as “There is only one truth!” and “Even if you are facing a bitter aspect of life, drugs and murder are foul without any excuse, deserve a red card for a loser”, etc. There is a character who is very important, too. She is Haibara Ai. She was the scientist of the “Black Organization” who made the drugs named APTX4869. This drug lead to(导致) Shinichi shrunk(缩小) into a little kid. Ai ’s code name(代号) is “Sherry”. Sherry is a kind of wine. It’s a strong wine from Spain, often drunk in Britain before a meal. Of course, the person who in the organization, his code name is also a kind of wine. Such as “Gin” , “Vodka” and “Vermouth” , etc. At the beginning of this story, it’s only about some murder case. But now, it’s more interesting and exciting. Conan’s rival(对手) is a thief who name is Kid. He is a genius(天才的) thief who is also a worthy(有价值的) rival and enemy of Conan. I guess it shouldnt be that much of a surprise since he looks almost identical(完全相同的) to Shinichi. He loves to steal things that are hard to get. Can Conan catch him? We may never know. On the other hand, the “Black Organization” have a big enemy, too. That is the FBI. The story is become complicated(复杂的). The adventure(冒险) begins from here, as Conan tries to find the men in black, hide his true identity, deals with his friends and family, and solve even more intriguing(引起极大兴趣的) mysteries.


发明的东西:脚力增强鞋、手表型麻醉枪、蝴蝶结形变声器、太阳能滑板、犯人追踪眼镜、少年侦探团徽章、伸缩吊带、笔记本型电子地图、可以弹出足球的腰带、便当型携带传真机、手表形手电筒、耳环式行动电话、变声笔、变声口罩 脚力增强鞋(Power Assisted Kick Shoes) 通过电力和磁力刺激足部穴位,使肌肉的力量发挥到极限。 通过右侧的旋钮调节,有3种不同的力量。 侦探徽章(Detective Boys Badge) 内藏超小型电讯发信器的徽章,DB(detective boys)少年侦探团中用来交换信息的工具。 便当型传真机(Lunch Box with Internal FAX) 在便当里面加了个传真机…… 领结型变声器(Voice-Changing Bow-Tie) 使用内侧的旋钮调节,可以自由变换声音。 右侧旋钮调节音程,左侧调节音量。 钮扣型扩音器 扩音器以收集蝶型领带变声器的声音。 手表型麻醉枪(Stun-Gun Wrist-Watch) 用手表盖子上的瞄准镜瞄准、射出红外线,可以命中射击目标。 射程距离约2m。 按钮跟时刻调节钮重合。 这样在麻醉针飞出的瞬间就可使人睡着。 但是只能装入1根麻醉针,如果射偏就麻烦了。 手表灯 调整手表的旋钮可以从文字盘上发出像手电筒一样的光线。 少年侦探团的工具。 太阳能滑板(Solar-Powered Skateboard) 装有高性能太阳能引擎,以太阳光线为动力源。 最高速度由太阳能决定,大约80km,不过不止在小编才能使用,已经改良为经过小编的充电,晚上也可以使用30分钟。 伸缩吊带(Elasticity Suspenders) 采用特殊形状记忆材料纤维制造的弹性背带。 按下按钮开始伸缩,以小孩子的力量不能移动的东西都可以很轻松的搬动。 犯人追踪眼镜 (Criminal Locator Glasses) 眼镜右侧夹住耳朵的部分装有高性能集音接收器,通过装在左侧的特殊音波刺激耳鼓,可以戴上眼镜窃听。 距离贴纸发信器的位置半径20km以内都可以接受信号,表现在眼镜左侧的夜景屏上。 但是必须充电,成为难点。 耳环型手机 耳环型的小型携带电话。 阿笠人偶 为启动汽车防范系统制造的阿笠博士迷你人偶,是不止在动画中出现的商品。 假面超人录音卡(漫画为录音笔) 阿笠博士与玩具制造商共同开发的玩具,全国畅销。 将自己声音录下来,可变成小孩或大人的其他声音。 任何时候都可射出球的腰带 按下腰带上的塑胶按纽,可以射出足球。 球的大小可自由调整,但只能在弹出10秒内保持形状。 口罩型变声器 为了灰原化装成柯南而被制造的蝴蝶领结型变声机的感冒面具版。 笔记本型电子地图 打开笔记本就内容是电子地图。 也有扩大功能等等,相当高的性能。



Detective Conan 名侦探柯南(注释稿) Detective Conan is a cartoon of ’s famous in China. The story is about a grade 11 student named Shinichi. Hehopes to be Sherlock Holmes of the 20th century. He solves(解决)challenging(具有挑战性的) mysteries(事件) for police. While investigating somesuspicious(可疑的) activity, Shinichi was knocked over the head by a man dressed inblack. An experimental(试验的) drug was forced(强迫的) down his throat that was meantto kill him. Instead, he shrunk(缩小) into a little kid. ProfessorAgasa(阿笠博士), Shinichis next-door neighbor and friend, discovers that Shinichihad changed into a small boy. He advises(劝告) Shinichi to keep his trueidentity(身份)a secret until they can find further information about those men inblack. Shinichi pretends(假装)to be Conan Edogawa and live in his girl friend RanMouri ’s house. Shinichi adopts(采纳) his new name based on(以…为基础) his favoritewriter Arthur Conan Doyle. Ran s father, Kogorou Mouri, also is a detective buta stupid detective. Conan help kogorou using a changing voice bow tie(蝴蝶结变声器)and his watch to help kogorou to solve(解决) case(事件). Conan is good atillation(推理) and soccer. He is a good detective. He wish he can get back toKudou Shinichi. There are many classical(经典的) sentences. Such as “There is onlyone truth!” and “Even if you are facing a bitter aspect of life, drugs andmurder are foul without any excuse, deserve a red card for a loser”, is a character who is very important, too. She is Haibara Ai. Shewas the scientist of the “Black Organization” who made the drugs named drug lead to(导致) Shinichi shrunk(缩小) into a little kid. Ai ’s code name(代号)is “Sherry”. Sherry is a kind of wine. It’s a strong wine from Spain, oftendrunk in Britain before a meal. Of course, the person who in the organization,his code name is also a kind of wine. Such as “Gin” , “Vodka” and “Vermouth” ,etc. At the beginning of this story, it’s only about some murder now, it’s more interesting and exciting. Conan’s rival(对手) is a thief whoname is Kid. He is a genius(天才的) thief who is also a worthy(有价值的) rival andenemy of Conan. I guess it shouldnt be that much of a surprise since he looksalmost identical(完全相同的) to Shinichi. He loves to steal things that are hard toget. Can Conan catch him? We may never know. On the other hand, the “BlackOrganization” have a big enemy, too. That is the FBI. The story is becomecomplicated(复杂的). The adventure(冒险) begins from here, as Conan tries tofind the men in black, hide his true identity, deals with his friends andfamily, and solve even more intriguing(引起极大兴趣的) mysteries.


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