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One 什么是Apple All

kmwl520   2024-05-18 21:05:19   12℃   0

文章:《什么是Apple One?All-In-One订阅计划说明》_配图

尽管苹果以iPhone、Apple Watch和MacBook等硬件产品而闻名,但其软件和服务部门在业务中的地位越来越重要。从iCloud存储和App Store购买,到Apple TV+和Apple Music订阅,库比蒂诺在提供基于云的服务和设备的同时,赚取了数十亿美元。

如果你为苹果所有的订阅服务付费,苹果会很高兴的,但你并不是有钱人。该公司的解决方案是Apple One,它将不同的服务捆绑到一个套餐中。但它的价格是多少,你如何订阅,它是否值得购买?

什么是Apple One?

文章:《什么是Apple One?All-In-One订阅计划说明》_配图1

就像迪士尼提供迪士尼+、Hulu和ESPN+的折扣套餐一样,苹果也在不断增加的订阅服务清单上做同样的事情。但是,虽然迪士尼的捆绑服务完全是视频流媒体服务,但Apple One的业务范围从存储、新闻到音乐和视频游戏。Apple One套餐中包含的服务包括:

Apple One的价格是多少?


如何注册Apple One

文章:《什么是Apple One?All-In-One订阅计划说明》_配图2

要注册Apple One套餐,你必须使用运行iOS 14或更高版本的iPhone,安装iPadOS 14或更高版本的iPad,或者安装MacOS Big Sur 11.1或更高版本的Mac。如果你在Apple TV上访问Apple Fitness+,你将需要twOS 14或更高版本。

更新设备后,打开iPhone和iPad上的设置,点击您的名字,然后选择订阅。选择Get Apple One下的Try It Now链接,然后选择一个计划。在Mac上,你可以从App Store订阅。单击窗口顶部的查看信息链接,然后单击管理链接。选择立即为Apple One试用,然后选择您的计划。

Apple One值得吗?

毫无疑问,Apple One会帮你省钱。如果你订阅了Music、TV+和Arade,并支付了50 GB的iCloud存储空间,每月的费用接近29美元,所以你每个月可以用19.95美元的单层节省9美元。多用户计划甚至可以为您节省更多,因为这些服务可以在您的整个家庭之间共享。

然而,订阅Apple One是否物有所值,取决于你实际使用的服务。如果你已经订阅了这些苹果服务中的几项,这是不需要动脑筋的。但如果你只对音乐和电视+感兴趣,你可能不需要为Apple Arade和云存储买单。如果你对新闻或锻炼不感兴趣,就没有理由获得Premier套餐,即使客观上这是一笔不错的交易。


如何取消Apple One

文章:《什么是Apple One?All-In-One订阅计划说明》_配图3

如果你试过Apple One,但觉得它不适合你,取消很容易。就像你的任何其他由苹果管理的订阅一样,你可以通过设备的设置或应用商店取消订阅。

在移动设备上,点击设置并选择您的姓名,然后选择订阅。在Active Subs部分下选择Apple One,然后选择取消订阅。你也可以这样做,如果你打开应用商店,然后点击你的个人资料,选择订阅。

打开“系统偏好设置”>“Apple ID”,然后选择“媒体和购买”,并选择“订阅”旁边的“管理”,即可从Mac上取消。如果你仍在使用iTunes,进入账户>查看我的账户,从你的用户列表中禁用Apple One。

one Apple Id is all you need to access all Apple

不用复数形式的,all只是说services, 那个aople可以理解为修饰services,苹果的服务

one apple id is all you need to access all apple



以下资料是从白领黑苹果的官方网站COPY来的。 官方网站的网址我给贴到“参考资料”里了摘要: 关于“白领黑苹果” 一直以来,白领都是社会精英的代名词,而如今,随着社会竞争的日益加剧,“高智商、高学历、高技能、高收入”白领精英们,在工作、生活上正面临着越来越大的压力。 在零点调查的一份白领工作 ...黑苹果青年介绍Introduction of Black Apple Youth一、什么是黑苹果One. What is Black Apple现在大部分的青年学生和青年白领缺乏社交,除了自己的同事、同学和同乡,在社会上没有说得上话的朋友。 他们局限在单一的空间内刻板行动,对社会缺乏应有的感知和洞察。 但也有这么一小群人,他们比一般青年更具社会意识,是创业、公益、社交等社会实践活动的核心。 在青春年代,他们把自己训练成了高度社会化的人。 如果我们把一般青年比作青苹果,把具有丰富社会经验的人比作红苹果,那么他们就是我们所说的黑苹果。 黑苹果是青苹果向红苹果的过度,而又比红苹果更富有激情和活力,他们保有着自己的个性与梦想,他们是高度社会化的青年。 Most young students and white collars lack social intercourse, for they hardly have any friends can talk to except for their colleagues, classmates and fellow townsmen. They confined themselves in single limited space and lack necessary conception and understanding about society. But there are also a small group of people, who have social awareness, not like normal youth, and they are core of entrepreneurship, public welfare and social intercourse. In their young age, they got themselves trained as people who were highly socialized. If we compare normal youth as Green Apple, experienced people as Red Apple, they are as what we said, Black Apple. Black Apple is the transition from green apple to red apple, while more energetic than red apple. Black Apples have their own personality and dreams, and they are highly socialized youth.白领黑苹果的三个段位Three levels of white collar Black Apple初级白领黑苹果:Primary level white collar Black Apple:在单位内岗位上乐于主动帮助其他同事,在遇到分工边缘处的工作愿意主动担当,积极向其他部分的同事介绍自己,参与公司组织的各类的员工活动,是企业内部的活跃分子,同时也在与客户交往的时候比较注重客户感受,经常受到客户的表扬。 适当发展一定的业余爱好,并把爱好保持一定的频率与规律。 Love to help other colleagues in the unit and to undertake the post if it were at the edge of labor division, introduce yourself actively to colleagues in other departments and take part in various activities organized by the company, the activist within the company, care about the feeling of customers when communicate with them, often get appraised by them. Develop some hobbies and keep proper frequency and regular pattern about hobbies.中级白领黑苹果:Middle level white collar Black Apple:在单位内部人员与客户关系良好的情况下,对于行业信息比较关注,保持与业内专家与业内同事的一定关系,注意启发客户与合作者新的合作机会,保持广泛阅读,能与各种遇到的朋友提出别人感兴趣的话题,爱听外部讲座,也愿意请教业内外朋友。 中级黑苹果能积极参与基于爱好、学习热情、同学战友经验而形成的社交圈。 Get along well with colleagues inside the company and customers, pay attention to industry information, keep a proper relationship with experts and co-workers in the industry, develop new cooperative opportunities with customers and partners, read a lot, have interesting topics to talk about when come across various kinds of friends, love to attend lectures and willing to ask for advice from friends in and outside the industry. Middle level white collar Black Apple can fit in well in social circle based on hobbies, passion of learning and classmates or comrade-in-arms.高级白领黑苹果:Senior level white collar Black Apple:有相对稳定的外部社交圈,是社交圈的积极分子,能在各类朋友中注意到先行投入、礼尚往来、维持日常的内外社会关系,并适当注意社交关系的更新,高位亲和低位有气质,对于其他人的需要总有适当回应的能力,并以公益或者专业新知保留有一定的正面社会形象。 高级黑苹果已经有能力从业余爱好圈里面发展业务机会或者把这当成发展业务资源的能力。 高级黑苹果与红苹果的最重要区别在于所掌握资源的充分性、主动性与行动的从容性,红苹果形成明确的设定目标而驱动人们行动的能力。 Have stable exterior social circle and being the activist in the circle. Care to courtesy and polite, and maintain daily social relationship, upgrade social relations properly, being gracious when getting high position and have good dispositions when work in low position, always response others’ demand and keep positive social image by public welfare or new professional knowledge. Senior Black Apple has the capability to develop business opportunities in hobby circles and regard it as an ability to develop business resources. The most important difference between senior Black Apple and red apple lies in the completeness, initiative and calmness of resource. Red apple has clear goals which can drive the capability to act for people.二、黑苹果青年项目介绍Introduction of Black Apple Youth Project“黑苹果青年计划”于2010年由零点青年公益创业发展中心发起,宗旨在于推动青年社会参与(Youth Social Engagement)这一新的公益理念。 “黑苹果青年计划”项目包括两部分:大学生黑苹果和白领黑苹果。 “Black Apple Youth Plan” was launched by Horizon Center of Youth Entrepreneurship for Society in 2010, aiming at promoting a new concept of public welfare, Youth Social Engagement. “Black Apple Youth Plan” includes two parts: college student Black Apple and white collar Black Apple.白领黑苹果White collar Black Apple一直以来,白领都是社会精英的代名词,而如今,随着社会竞争的日益加剧,“高智商、高学历、高技能、高收入”白领精英们,在工作、生活上正面临着越来越大的压力。 在零点调查的一份白领工作压力研究中发现,近三分之二的公司白领表现出需要问医的心理疲劳症状,其中,“在太短的时间有太多事情要做”和“不得不迫使自己跟上新科技或本领域的发展”被并列为首要工作压力来源。 有人说,在生活方面,白领将进入新奴隶时代,房奴、车奴、孩奴等封号将成为笼罩在头顶挥之不去的阴霾;在工作方面,白领们不知不觉成沦为上班奴,做事再好,也不如别人关系好有效,;在感情方面,想找个另一半却因为各种客观原因不得不推迟…无法融入这个活生生的城市、也无法进行进一步的知识提升与社会能力的提升。 Since a long time ago, white collar has been a synonym of social elite. However, with the growing competition in society, white collars who have “high IQ, high education degree, skill and high income” are now facing more and more pressures in work and life. It is shown by a research report of working pressure of white collar made by Horizon Group that almost two thirds of white collars need to see doctors because of psychological fatigue, of which “too many things to do in short time” and “have to catch up with the development of new science and technology” are top resources of working pressure. Just like someone ever said, in respect of life, white collars will enter into era of new salves and haunted by titles as house slave, car slave and child’s slave; in respect of work, white collars will become slaves to work before they know it. Petticoat influence even speaks louder than hard working; in respect of emotion, white collars need to deal with single life because of various objective reasons…can’t fit in this real city, nor achieve further improvement of knowledge and capabilities.为此, 零点青年公益创业发展中心(YES)发起“白领黑苹果”系列活动,联系社会各界所有关注白领文化的优秀个人与组织,通过一系列不同主题的大型社交活动,为社会白领群体进一步提升知识与社会能力,降低社会生活与事业的发展成本做出贡献。 让白领的职业发展与社会发展并行,使其社会行动成为提升职业素养的新动力。 With this in mind, Horizon Center of Youth Entrepreneurship for Society has launched series activities of “White Collar Black Apple” by calling on all quarters of society to pay close attention to excellent individuals and organizations of white collar culture, holding a series of large social activities of different themes so as to further improve knowledge and social capability of white collars and reduce the cost of social and career development. Thus the career development of white collars can go with social development, and their behaviors in society can become new driving force of professionalism improvement.2011年,“黑苹果青年”项目将推动全国范围内的黑苹果们参与主题为“春风、夏花、秋月、冬雪” 四季系列年度大型社交活动,从而有效地联系、服务、凝聚白领青年与关注白领青年的企业群体。 将成为2011年对青年群体最具关怀,最具影响力的活动。 In 2011, “Black Apple Youth” project will launch annual large social activities with themes of four seasons of “spring breeze, summer flower, autumn moon and winter snow” on a national scale so as to effectively contact with, serve and collect white collars and enterprise groups caring about white collars. It will inevitably become the most caring and influential activity for youth group in 2011.2.1夏花会2.1 Summer Flower Meeting“夏花会”,作为四季会中以“清零式公益招拍挂 ”为主题的公益活动,以一个盛大的公益主题派对为平台,通过白领自发拍卖筹资、自主策划公益项目、自愿利用公益基金实践公益项目,让白领青年在轻松时尚的交流与沟通中迈出公益行动的第一步。 整个活动成为2011年青年公益领域最有收获的大型纯公益聚会。 从6月到8月,YES联合多家机构和媒体举办了5场夏花会,吸引了北京、上海、深圳三地2000余名青年参与其中,覆盖了200多家媒体,并邀请到了新东方总裁俞敏洪、创新工场合伙人王肇辉、首任盛大游戏公司CEO兼董事李瑜在内的几百名企业界、公益界的高管精英作为评委或者观察员出席本次活动。 5场活动共筹集资金.5元,诞生33个公益团队,这些资金将全部用于资助这些公益团队。 “Summer Flower Meeting”, as the public welfare activity with the theme of “public bidding, auction and listing of Zero-Clearing public welfare”, will use a large entrepreneurship party as the platform, in which white collars can finance by auction, design public welfare project and use public welfare fund so as to help white collars take the first step in public welfare activities through relaxing and fashionable communication and exchanging. The activity will become the most rewarding large public welfare party in the field of youth public welfare in 2011. From June to August, YES cooperated with several organizations and medias to hold five Summer Flower Meetings, which attracted over 2000 youths from Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen. The activity has covered 200 medias and invited hundreds of executives from enterprises and public welfare including the president of New Oriental, Yu Minhong, partner of creative workshop, Wang Zhaohui, the first CEO and Director of Shanghai Shanda Games Limited, Li Yu to attend the activity as judges or inspectors. Five activities have financed totally .5 yuan and have 33 public welfare groups created. The fund will all be used to support these groups.2.2 Autumn Moon Meeting“秋月会”以“旅行”为主题,名曰:“分享世界、分享爱”。 通过旅行达人们分享花小钱却能深度游的旅行经验,告诉更多的白领——旅行其实是有技巧的,而且可以是件轻松简单的事情,不一定要有充足的时间、大量的金钱、流利的外语等才能成行。 The theme of “Autumn Moon Meeting” is “tourism”, which means “Share the world, Share the love”. By sharing experience of tourism lovers about how to have in-depth tourism with less money, the meeting intends to tell more white collars that tourism has a lot of skills and can be an easy thing, which dose not always need much time, money and fluent foreign language.在场的300余名白领将会被迅速分组,从组内每个白领所携带的旅行计划中,推选出最好的一条计划。 活动现场评委将根据省钱、好玩、有学问等多维度标准评选出优秀旅行计划,分享最令人心动的旅行大奖甚至旅行基金,帮助大家实现梦想!Over 300 white collars at the site will be quickly divided into groups, in which every white collar should pick up the best plan from the travel plans they carried. Judges will select the best travel plan based on money-saving, interest, thinking and other standards and help everybody realize their dreams by sharing the big prize of tourism even tourism fund.全国巡回活动之后,项目组会将从各地甄选出的旅行计划与社会名人、旅行达人的旅行故事共同集结出版一本极具功能性和分享性的书籍。 让本系列活动不仅限于落地的几场,更能延续到今后直至永远,真正实现“分享”!After the world tour, project committee will publish a book to share with everybody about travel plans and travel stories of social celebrities and tourism lovers from different places. So the series of activities will be carried on forever and “shared” by everyone forever!


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